Friday, June 20, 2014


I had a Shiatsu massage today by a local practitioner ( my friend Hanna's daughter). It was wonderful. I fell asleep and dreamed but was fully aware of every touch. Amazing!

I cancelled my scheduled chiropractor appt to do this and I have to say that I have not felt so pain free for six months. Pain free is not right perhaps, there is still discomfort /pain but my whole being seems to have loosened up. It is a great feeling and I hope it lasts.

Off to bed now, hopeful that I will have a good sleep undisturbed, and wake up feeling as good as I do now. Mornings are usually pretty crappy and I'm tired of it. I was going to try acupuncture but bumped into Sue while I was digging over some ground at Hanna's to plant garlic, the discussion about my polymyalgia leading to the appt today.

I have not had the time or energy to blog much lately, i have many things to attend to all the time and my condition slows me, so that I cannot do all that I wish.

But let me assure my friends that read that right now I feel FANTASTIC, and have renewed belief that I will soon, or a little later, be shod of this thing that has dragged me down.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Robert Flower

I just now watched a highlight reel of Robert Flower.

There have been many great footballers I have seen. There has been none better than Robert Flower.