Valley north of Gembrook town |
This is part my workplace, a picture taken on Friday. There's a row of green beech trees, left of pic, which I have picked foliage from for many years, A nurseryman grew them, he used to own the property, and didn't sell them as young trees so they were left in a row, much to my good luck. The nurseryman sold the property some years ago but the current owners have kindly let me continue to harvest each year. I share my return with them. The creek running along the valley is the Shepherds Creek West branch. It rises a little to the right of pic from springs on the west side of the main road Gembrook to Launching Place. Springs on the east side of that main rd form the Shepherds creek east branch and they run round the other side of the hill you can see. The two branches join some kilometres down stream to form Shepherds Creek which runs into Woori Yallock Creek which eventually runs into the Yarra river.
Our house is in the belt of trees along the hill you can see, our road running just the other side of the spur.
It has been a great blessing to live and work in such a beautiful place for 35 years. This vista is unspoilt by development and I love it.
Looking a little more eastward
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