Friday, August 05, 2016

One Degree C

I stepped outside this morning a little after 6am. The thermometer said it was 2C on our deck. I went back inside and did the breakfast thing as Lib was going to work. Juice, muesli with fruit, toast and peppermint tea.

As we ate breakfast, Lib was full of instructions. Ring the doctor, make appointment, tell him you have had a headache for three days, tell him you have RA, tell him you had suspected temporal arteritis a few years ago, tell him you had shingles twice and the symptoms were similar.

My head sang with electric shock every ten or so seconds. I took two panadols, to follow the panadeines and ibuprofens I had been taking for the last couple of days. When she left I went back outside and checked the thermometer, it was now 1C. I went back to bed and lay quietly after saying a prayer that the the pain would stop.

Thank God it did. I woke again at 9.30am. The sun was shining. It was like medicine. I did the laundry, set the fire, did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, made the bed. In between I rang the doc. Mine couldn't see me till next Tuesday, Brother in law Rog was booked out till mid August. I found one with an appointment free at 4.45pm.

After taking a 400mg ibuprofen when the head whacking started again, I got about my work. No pain, feeling great, I picked foliage and daphne and bay dropped it at the farm before my appointment. Doctor seemed unphased, asked questions, was interested in my history.  He offered no answer, I didn't expect he would. Suggested I have blood test tomorrow (pathology was by now closed), as I expected he would.

So to patholgy tomorrow for blood test. Doctor again on Monday to see results. I'll keep you posted. Is it related to the RA? Or is it a recurrent freak show to the shingle thing of the past, or the head splitting suspected arteritis episode. I don't know... I'll bet they won't either. and I'll bet no one will be any the wiser when, hopefully, things have returned to normal .

But I had to go to the doctor, the shingles thing can deteriorate the longer it is left, it can seriously affect the brain, they can arrest it if they get it early. He didn't go that way. I have no choice but to play it out.

I'll let you know.

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