Wednesday, January 01, 2025


 Here I am, 1 Jan '25. All is well in my world if you consider world in the terms of my everyday life. Not the larger concept of world, that seems to be in a hell of a mess. And the term all is well in my world perhaps also needs qualification. It's not perfect.

I wish Lib was in better health. She's fair to middling, but still suffering from fatigue and other symptoms of what she believes is Long Covid. A feeling of tiredness, some nausea, muscle soreness and lack of energy and "brain fog". Apparently, there are millions of people worldwide with this affliction. I wonder, is it a result of the Covid, or a response to the vaccines we were coerced to have in order to function properly in daily life?

I wonder also, what caused me to have a mild stroke last January? I know it was a blockage in my carotid artery. But what caused the blockage by accumulated cholesterol muck in my neck? It was explained to me that something caused initial sticking of a particle/s inside my artery wall, they don't know what - and from there further particles got caught at that little snag which became bigger until there were little fragments coming off causing significant blockage to veins in my brain taking blood to certain areas. The operation they did, I was told later, was complicated by the fact that there was a vein twisted around the artery, whereas usually they are parallel. I asked could that be because more than 50 years ago I suffered a very heavy blow to my jaw, just above that blockage spot, breaking the jaw and causing me concussion, while playing football. Unlikely was the reply. Sometime this year, there was press saying that the AstraZeneca was removed from use because a known side effect was causing blood clotting. I had two of them! Then a PFizer. All basically by Government decree. Wonder indeed! Many unanswered questions.

When I think about world affairs, with current wars and threats of escalation, I wonder if we'll be here to see 2026. Then again, for most of my life I've lived in the knowledge that nuclear war is a real threat to human existence; it hasn't happened so I'm hopeful it won't now. There must be some agreement, or joint reluctance to pull the trigger, by those with their finger on it, given the potential for total destruction. I wonder again.

With the above in mind, realizing most of the information/misinformation is fed to me, often coming from completely opposite viewpoints, it's best not to dwell too much on it, but to get about my daily life doing my best to assist those around me and the natural environment where I can have some effect and at the same time enjoy the many pleasures available in order to enjoy my retirement. This I don't wonder about - I do it.

I'm continuing to read the book on Vietnam. If ever I needed evidence that Governments can be completely flawed, it hits me like a brick with every read. I could copy excerpts for this post, so amazing is the belief system causing that dreadful debacle, but I don't think I need do that. I'm up to 1963, when there was a Buddhist rebellion and Monks in orange robes were torching themselves in order to bring international awareness to their plight. I vaguely remember this being news when I was 10 or 11 years old. It horrified me then, so I quickly shut it out of mind.

My legs are working well with much less stiffness. No more neuralgic pain in the scalp to the ear. I haven't taken any painkillers for over a week. Still some minor soreness/stiffness in the upper thighs and buttocks - putting socks on etc. still a little awkward, but I suspect I'm pretty much back to normal for a man in his seventies. Will get more blood tests Jan 6 and see what that shows re inflammation and cholesterol and kidney function and whatever Doc wants to look at and discuss.

Ian Sinclair came Christmas Eve and stayed till last Saturday. He's well. It added to our Christmas cheer. He's now in Victoria on his way to get some work done on his Mitsubishi Delicia 4WD van by a specialist in Geelong who says he can put new bushes in the rear suspension correctly, a job many repairers not so familiar with that vehicle don't get right. He's then heading to the Victorian High country before returning to Thailand where his son Jethro works and is building a house well out of the city somewhere. He's teamed up with a young Thai lady from a village and a housewarming on the first night in a new house has great cultural significance and Ian is invited.

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