Friday, July 28, 2006

Thank God It's Friday

What a week it was! The sun is streaming through the parlour window and the thermometer outside says it's 18C. No sooner did I declare spring was here a couple of entries ago than I heard familiar chirping and saw 2 sparrows, damn it, outside on the deck wires, the first sparrows I've seen for months. No doubt the little buggers breed quicker than rabbits. Then a couple of blowies were in the house the same morning. They come down the chimney on the warmer days till we stop lighting the fire at night and close the chimney flue.
I resumed my morning walk after missing a day with the sore ankle, but I had a bad night with my back. Yesterday while Lib's car was serviced I sat in a nearby coffee shop doing my BAS, having printed out the GST report earlier and taking all the necessaries with me to finish it. Then to Emerald after the car was finished and to Theresa for my 1.30pm massage and manipulation appointment. She does a Chinese massage and she is the best I've known. Just a little slip of a thing she is too. After that I did a trip to Sassafrass to pick some daphne at a friend's place (light duties at Theresa's instruction). The back was very sensitive during the night but has come good now and I feel I am close to full recovery from the violent and nasty shock of the fall two days ago.
It shows me what a fine line we walk every day.
My mate Rick emailed me after reading the blog about the pink sky. "Red sky in the evening, shepherd's delight, Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning," is the saying he says, and apparently there's a solid scientific explanation for it which he can't remember.