The red sky shepherds warning of Monday's sunrise was accurate. A strong wind blew up and Tuesday brought showers that were no value above nuisance. But last night it rained and kept up gently all night and into this morning. There was 22 ml in the gauge which was most welcome. I checked the stats in the post office window and in June we had 28ml (118ml is 32 year average) and July we had 87ml (112ml is the average), and we've had very little in August before this 22ml. It's El Ninio, so they are now saying, with very ugly predictions.
Following my last post, Safeway Pakenham did have oysters and Lib's birthday dinner was a success. She loved her presents and said it was the the best birthday she'd had. Good stuff hey! We'll all have to learn how to use the camera, that was part of my thinking, that it would be a family friendly thing and the boys would help us 'oldies' with it.
I'm so tired and looking forward to the weekend.