Thursday, April 30, 2009

April End

As the last day of April brings some sunshine after a freezing night, the media is buzzing with the death and funeral of Richard Pratt, Australia's 4th richest man and greatest philanthropist. Commentary was glowing yeterday on news bulletins as I walked toward home down the hill. Dick Pratt is famous for his generosity over 50 years, donating $millions to charity and the arts. He was also found guilty of price fixing by the ACCC in 2005 and fined $36 million, and until a few days before his death when the charges were withdrawn, as he would be unable to testify, he was facing criminal charges of giving false evidence.

I make no judgement, but a bible story came to mind, about a poor widow giving a few meagre coins. When I got home I rang my JW mate Dave Dickson at Charters Towers, knowing he'd be able to tell me quickly where to find it. Dave is well and was pleased to hear from me. It was a beautiful warm morning in Charters Towers where things are back to normal after 40 inches of rain in Jauary/Feb and massive flooding.

Luke 21:1-
As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2- He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3- "I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4- All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth: but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."


Bill C said...

Carey - the 'JW mate' got me for a minute - but I worked it out eventually - and I concur with your sentiments, but..

In the strucured world we live in I believe that some are here to create wealth - otherwise who would employ people.

If Pratt didn't build his empire how many people would not be employed - if the car industry was never developed, what would the automotive employees be doing - if Bill Gates wasn't a nerd how many millions would be unemployed - If MacDonalds and KFC and Pizza Hut didn't exist, how may young people would be looking for jobs as a paper boy/girl.
At the same time I don't believe that Richard Pratt's last words were 'I wish another billion dollars in the bank'
Your mate Bill C

Carey at McCracken said...

Thanks Bill. Good to hear from you. Go Saints.