Thursday, June 09, 2016


The crisis in the dairy industry has made big news recently and I sympathize greatly with dairy farmers. I heard it said somewhere in the media that we should all make sure we buy Australian milk in order to support the dairy industry.

We don't buy a lot of milk but I have never even considered that the milk we buy is from anywhere other than Australia. It is incomprehensible to me how or why we would import milk when we have so much of it here, and if we did how it could be competitive on price after travelling from overseas.

It has also been said we should eat more cheese and i have been doing my best. Cheese I love and I snack on it most days when I come home from work with a few dry biscuits. Also it is my habit to put grated cheese over certain left over meals say like tuna rice or risotto as I heat in the pan with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper. Mumma Mia! Grilled cheese on toast with or without tomatoes is also a treat, melted cheese is a delight.

And there are so many types of cheese to enjoy. I adore grated Parmesan on my spaghetti sauce and don't mind some blue vein now and again.

And let's not forget that great companion to cheese - wine.

Oh how I'm looking forward to getting home tomorrow night to enjoy the open fire and some Friday night wine and cheese. Even a terribly dead and boring footy match like Essendon and Hawthorn will not be able to spoil that.

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