Sunday, June 26, 2016

Nearly There

Next Saturday we finally reach election day after the longest campaign in my recollection.

My phone rings daily, my mailbox is full of election stuff, Jason Wood's photo with Malcolm Turnbull looks at me everywhere I drive, and the radio talkback is constantly going on about it, and it is in every newspaper front and square.

It looks to me that it will be an annihilation. Turnbull will be returned and Labour will be decimated, perhaps the ruination of the Labour Party forever, maybe it is totally finished.

As disappointing as Turnbull is to me, it was a master stroke to get rid of Abbott. Abbott gave Shorten some chance.

So, my call is early. Labour is finished. It does not surprise me. Unionism is finished.

Sadly, it is a comedy of uselessness. Australia is cruelled by greed and laziness.

A country driven to point of ruin by self interest greed and laziness.

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