Monday, August 11, 2008

Cold, Wet, -- and Wonderful

I've been walking in the mornings now for more than two and a half years. I had to take Rob up to the 7.10 a.m bus this morning; it was raining and a grey mist reduced visibility further, from that already impaired by the foggy windows. Rob said, "You're going to get nice and wet walking today." I replied that I might have to give it a miss.

Then I caught sight of Sharon's lime green flouro jacket on her way down the hill. Sharon is from the new estate and is also a daily walker or jogger. If it's good enough for her, I thought, I'm walking in the rain today too. So I did.

In gumboots and raincoat I strode into the cold and rain looking for windmills to fight and a princess to rescue, and loved every minute of it. So did the dogs; as wet as shags and wolfing their breakfast when we came home. I recommend early walking for a general feeling of well being, and improved morale. It's great.

My thoughts turned to Don Quixote when I put the tub of yoghurt back in the fridge after putting a healthy dollop on my muesli. It slipped from my hand and spilled into the fridge. As I reacted quickly in a vain attempt to catch it, my right shoulder caught the egg tray in the fridge door sending it and eleven eggs to a sticky ending on the floor. What a mess to clean up before breakfast! It happens to the best of us.

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